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In recent years, social media has been widely explored as a potential source of communication and information in disasters and emergency situations. Several interesting works and case studies of disaster analytics exploring different aspects of natural disasters have been already conducted. Along with the great potential, disaster analytics comes with several challenges mainly due to the nature of social media content. In this paper, we explore one such challenge and propose a text classification framework to deal with Twitter noisy data. More specifically, we employed several transformers both individually and in combination, so as to differentiate between relevant and non-relevant Twitter posts, achieving the highest F1-score of 0.87.
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Key Point Analysis(KPA) is a relatively new task in NLP that combines summarization and classification by extracting argumentative key points (KPs) for a topic from a collection of texts and categorizing their closeness to the different arguments. In our work, we focus on the legal domain and develop methods that identify and extract KPs from premises derived from texts of judgments. The first method is an adaptation to an existing state-of-the-art method, and the two others are new methods that we developed from scratch. We present our methods and examples of their outputs, as well a comparison between them. The full evaluation of our results is done in the matching task -- match between the generated KPs to arguments (premises).
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With the growth of residential rooftop PV adoption in recent decades, the problem of 1 effective layout design has become increasingly important in recent years. Although a number 2 of automated methods have been introduced, these tend to rely on simplifying assumptions and 3 heuristics to improve computational tractability. We demonstrate a fully automated layout design 4 pipeline that attempts to solve a more general formulation with greater geometric flexibility that 5 accounts for shading losses. Our approach generates rooftop areas from satellite imagery and uses 6 MINLP optimization to select panel positions, azimuth angles and tilt angles on an individual basis 7 rather than imposing any predefined layouts. Our results demonstrate that although several common 8 heuristics are often effective, they may not be universally suitable due to complications resulting 9 from geometric restrictions and shading losses. Finally, we evaluate a few specific heuristics from the 10 literature and propose a potential new rule of thumb that may help improve rooftop solar energy 11 potential when shading effects are considered.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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多模式信息在医疗任务中经常可用。通过结合来自多个来源的信息,临床医生可以做出更准确的判断。近年来,在临床实践中使用了多种成像技术进行视网膜分析:2D眼底照片,3D光学相干断层扫描(OCT)和3D OCT血管造影等。我们的论文研究了基于深度学习的三种多模式信息融合策略,以求解视网膜视网膜分析任务:早期融合,中间融合和分层融合。常用的早期和中间融合很简单,但不能完全利用模式之间的互补信息。我们开发了一种分层融合方法,该方法着重于将网络多个维度的特征组合在一起,并探索模式之间的相关性。这些方法分别用于使用公共伽马数据集(Felcus Photophs和OCT)以及Plexelite 9000(Carl Zeis Meditec Inc.)的私人数据集,将这些方法应用于青光眼和糖尿病性视网膜病变分类。我们的分层融合方法在病例中表现最好,并为更好的临床诊断铺平了道路。
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纵向成像能够捕获静态解剖结构和疾病进展的动态变化,向早期和更好的患者特异性病理学管理。但是,检测糖尿病性视网膜病(DR)的常规方法很少利用纵向信息来改善DR分析。在这项工作中,我们调查了利用纵向诊断目的的纵向性质利用自我监督学习的好处。我们比较了不同的纵向自学学习(LSSL)方法,以模拟从纵向视网膜颜色眼底照片(CFP)进行疾病进展,以便使用一对连续考试来检测早期的DR严重性变化。实验是在有或没有那些经过训练的编码器(LSSL)的纵向DR筛选数据集上进行的,该数据集充当纵向借口任务。结果对于基线(从头开始训练)的AUC为0.875,AUC为0.96(95%CI:0.9593-0.9655 DELONG测试),使用p值<2.2e-16,在早期融合上使用简单的重置式结构,使用冷冻的LSSL重量,这表明LSSL潜在空间可以编码DR进程的动态。
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